5000 civilians died during the Eelam war:
The Sri Lankan President’s advisor and M P, Rajeeva Wijesinghe Wednesday 06-07-2011 said the fact that he believed about 5000 civilians died during the last phase of the 4th Eelam war between the LTTE and the Govt armed forces.
Though the Govt had been stubbornly stating that during the war no ordinary citizen was killed , this confession by the MP contradicted Govt.’s announcements. When the BBC media personnel questioned on this contradiction, whether isn’t what you said contradictory to what the Govt. had been repeatedly telling Westinghouse replied the Govt. forces under no circumstances targeted the ordinary citizens when attacking.
He added that at that time he was the chief of the peace secretariat and the figure arrived at was on a personal count by made by him based on the figures reported by the Tamil net compared with the details collected from the security divisions.
In any event so far no decisions had been taken in regard to granting compensation to the 5000 civilians, but as far as
possible immediate action is being taken to put them back in their original places of residence he pointed out.
They refused to allow the High Commission to see this in advance, and indeed did not show anyone the video they had received. They even refused to give it to the Special Rapporteur who was instead shown another version different in some particulars supplied by an outfit called Journalists for Democracy in Sri Lanka.
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